Translation please
(too old to reply)
2022-03-23 15:39:47 UTC
I apologise if I'm pushing my luck but just one more transcription if
anyone can help!
I'm guessing son Robert & daughter Anna are twins and I can make out
the date as being 19th November but apart from the name, Andrew
Hastings, what is the bit in the middle?

Many thanks.
Chris Pitt Lewis
2022-03-23 17:24:42 UTC
Post by Geoff
I apologise if I'm pushing my luck but just one more transcription if
anyone can help!
I'm guessing son Robert & daughter Anna are twins and I can make out
the date as being 19th November but apart from the name, Andrew
Hastings, what is the bit in the middle?
Many thanks.
Not twins. The layout of the entry is a bit confused but it seems to me
to read:
Robertus Filius Anno cum semisse natus )
Anna Filia infans )

Robert son born a year and a half [ago] )
Ann daughter an infant )

The parents seem to be Andrew Hastens and his widow - Andraei Hastens et
[blank] Viduae. What looks like a b must I think be a capital V. The
following entry also has a blank for the wife's name. Worth checking for
a burial of Andrew Hastens in the previous few months to confirm this
Chris Pitt Lewis
J. P. Gilliver (John)
2022-03-23 17:29:48 UTC
Post by Chris Pitt Lewis
Post by Geoff
I apologise if I'm pushing my luck but just one more transcription if
anyone can help!
I'm guessing son Robert & daughter Anna are twins and I can make out
the date as being 19th November but apart from the name, Andrew
Hastings, what is the bit in the middle?
Many thanks.
Not twins. The layout of the entry is a bit confused but it seems to me
Robertus Filius Anno cum semisse natus )
Anna Filia infans )
Sounds better than my guess, ...
Post by Chris Pitt Lewis
Robert son born a year and a half [ago] )
Ann daughter an infant )
... Though I'd come to much the same conclusion (I just didn't get
Post by Chris Pitt Lewis
The parents seem to be Andrew Hastens and his widow - Andraei Hastens
et [blank] Viduae. What looks like a b must I think be a capital V. The
following entry also has a blank for the wife's name. Worth checking
for a burial of Andrew Hastens in the previous few months to confirm
this reading.
Er - I think it might be his wife's burial you'd be looking for (-:
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

in the kingdom of the bland, the one idea is king. - Rory Bremner (on
politics), RT 2015/1/31-2/6
J. P. Gilliver (John)
2022-03-23 17:35:52 UTC
On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 17:29:48, "J. P. Gilliver (John)"
<***@255soft.uk> wrote (my responses usually FOLLOW):
Post by Chris Pitt Lewis
The parents seem to be Andrew Hastens and his widow - Andraei Hastens
et [blank] Viduae. What looks like a b must I think be a capital V.
The following entry also has a blank for the wife's name. Worth
checking for a burial of Andrew Hastens in the previous few months to
confirm this reading.
Oops - or not! I was confused by it giving his name and not hers, but
they might have done that in those days, a "relict" being almost just a
chattel )-:.
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

in the kingdom of the bland, the one idea is king. - Rory Bremner (on
politics), RT 2015/1/31-2/6
2022-03-23 19:56:35 UTC
Post by J. P. Gilliver (John)
On Wed, 23 Mar 2022 at 17:29:48, "J. P. Gilliver (John)"
Post by Chris Pitt Lewis
The parents seem to be Andrew Hastens and his widow - Andraei
Hastens et [blank] Viduae. What looks like a b must I think be a
capital V. The following entry also has a blank for the wife's
name. Worth checking for a burial of Andrew Hastens in the
previous few months to confirm this reading.
Oops - or not! I was confused by it giving his name and not hers, but
they might have done that in those days, a "relict" being almost just
a chattel )-:.
Thanks for all the suggestions, they have been very useful.
I have since discovered that Bidua means "continued for 2 days" and
also found that she was buried shorly after birth so I guess it means
she survived for 2 days.

Thanks again for the help.
Chris Pitt Lewis
2022-03-24 00:09:16 UTC
On 23/03/2022 19:56, Geoff wrote:
Post by Geoff
Thanks for all the suggestions, they have been very useful.
I have since discovered that Bidua means "continued for 2 days" and
also found that she was buried shorly after birth so I guess it means
she survived for 2 days.
Thanks again for the help.
Ah, that makes more sense. "Anna Filia infans bidua" = "Anne a two days
old infant". So born two days before her baptism.
Chris Pitt Lewis
J. P. Gilliver (John)
2022-03-23 17:21:46 UTC
Post by Geoff
I apologise if I'm pushing my luck but just one more transcription if
anyone can help!
I'm guessing son Robert & daughter Anna are twins and I can make out
the date as being 19th November but apart from the name, Andrew
Hastings, what is the bit in the middle?
Many thanks.
[ A MIME Image / JPEG part was included here. ]
I see

Baptizatus fuit vigissimo primo die Octobris Anno praedic?
Robertus filius | Anno cum semi?e natus | Baptizantu deci?
| Andrei Haffensit | nono Novembris
Anna filia infans bidua

which I think _might_ be

Baptized was twenty first day of October year previous?
Robert son | year with ? born | to be baptized ten (or Decem?)
| of Andrew Haffensit | ninth of November
Ann(e) daughter infant (twin?)

Some words I can't make out, some go off the edge of your image.

I think it's _possible_ that son Robert and daughter Ann(e) may have
been _baptised_ the same day, but Robert was older than infant Ann(e). I
don't know the word - if it is - bidua; could well mean twin.)

I'll be interested what others make of it! (But if you post similar ones
in future, probably better if you can include more - not just of the
record you're interested in, but so we can see other usages and
handwriting on the page.)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf

in the kingdom of the bland, the one idea is king. - Rory Bremner (on
politics), RT 2015/1/31-2/6