Post by GeoffI apologise if I'm pushing my luck but just one more transcription if
anyone can help!
I'm guessing son Robert & daughter Anna are twins and I can make out
the date as being 19th November but apart from the name, Andrew
Hastings, what is the bit in the middle?
Many thanks.
[ A MIME Image / JPEG part was included here. ]
I see
Baptizatus fuit vigissimo primo die Octobris Anno praedic?
Robertus filius | Anno cum semi?e natus | Baptizantu deci?
| Andrei Haffensit | nono Novembris
Anna filia infans bidua
which I think _might_ be
Baptized was twenty first day of October year previous?
Robert son | year with ? born | to be baptized ten (or Decem?)
| of Andrew Haffensit | ninth of November
Ann(e) daughter infant (twin?)
Some words I can't make out, some go off the edge of your image.
I think it's _possible_ that son Robert and daughter Ann(e) may have
been _baptised_ the same day, but Robert was older than infant Ann(e). I
don't know the word - if it is - bidua; could well mean twin.)
I'll be interested what others make of it! (But if you post similar ones
in future, probably better if you can include more - not just of the
record you're interested in, but so we can see other usages and
handwriting on the page.)
J. P. Gilliver. UMRA: 1960/<1985 MB++G()AL-IS-Ch++(p)***@T+H+Sh0!:`)DNAf
in the kingdom of the bland, the one idea is king. - Rory Bremner (on
politics), RT 2015/1/31-2/6